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The 10 Most Important Battles in History
I recreated 10 famous battles from history, including maps and animated troop movements. The goal was to summarize 10 impactful battles in a short, exciting way, while maintaining historical accuracy.
Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Sunlesskhan
This project took me 22 days to complete
Week 1) Researching, gathering films/imagery, writing, and recording
Week 2) Creating the battlefields, units, generals, ships, banners and flags
Week 3) Animating and compositing, and finally sound design
Criteria for battles chosen: Decisiveness, Scale, Backstory Intrigue, Fame, Characters, Historical Impact
"100 Decisive Battles from Ancient Times to the Present" by Paul K. Davis
"Battles That Changed History" (Smithsonian book)
0:00 Intro
0:37 Gaugamela
4:17 Badr
5:51 Hastings
9:34 Chakirmaut
11:44 Cajamarca
14:12 Spanish Armada
17:04 Yorktown
18:35 Waterloo
21:47 Verdun
24:08 Stalingrad