Im concerned about my personal details,after vertification submission,should i be worried?
No,once we recieve and confirm,who you are,all documents are immediatly destroyed.We dont keep anything from that process.Knowing who you are,is easier for us and our other community users,to feel comfortable,who we trust,within our community.
Do i need to submit for Verification Settings?
No,vertification of your account,is only needed,in the event you are interested in participating in our monetiztion option.Otherwise,its just a non mandatory option.
What are your ad prices?
We tend to be more on the affordable pricing scale,so everyone can afford to advertise with us.Thus our ad rates are quite simple
Ads per impressions are only 1 cent per impression
Ads per click are only 2 cents per click
If you have a 729 x 90 and/or 970 x 90 ad banner you wish to advertise,as a added bonus,those display for free on our top and bottom pages thru out the entire community.Please do note,these are only for paid ads only.In the event you are interested in advertising via our banner network,please visit for more details https://www.shorturl.at/shortener.php
Otherwise,just send us in those above mentioned ad sizes your banners to supports@wowzahosting.com and upon approval we will host your banners for as long as you remain a user of the site,Its really that easy.
How long do your plans stay in effect?
All plans are valid and billed for exactly one month,after intial registration.Free Plans are valid for as long as you wish to remain a active user.Please note,all free accounts will be deleted based on a 3 months of inactivity process.
Where and how can i spend my digital wallet credits?
Digital Wallet Credits can be used only thru out our entire network.Many of our paid subscribers redeem them for paid advertising on our community.You can also spend your wallet credits within user shops as well,if acccept it.Also we are working on finding more creative ways of allowing users to spend digial wallet credits via our external 3rd party partners.
Please note,however,digital wallet credit are not cash and cant be withdrawn to hard currency.They are also not transferrable to other users unless otherwise noted.Once you cancell your account with WowzaTV,any accured credits will forfeit soon after.
Where does your content come from?
We at WowzaTV, DO NOT host any streams on this website and as for any videos on this website, we only RE-SHARE free Iptv links which are already at public accessible websites. We urge all copyright owners, to recognize that links contained within this site are located somewhere else on the web. Please direct all copyright infringement issues to the companies that host these files or directly to the original content creators that generated them.If you have any further inquiries on this matter,please refer to our other related FAQs.
How do i request account cancellation?
Pro Plans are not refundable once they have been created.You do have the option to easily delete your account via your profile settings.
How does your points system work?
You can now earn points good for advertising or buying services or products on our network,as a Pro Account user only.Points can be earned via the following activities: Earn 1 points by commenting any video,Earn 1 points by like any video,Earn 1 points by dislike any video,Earn 1 points by upload any video,Earn 1 points by watching any video
Please note,points can be redeemed at any time and are only valid for active Pro accounts only.They are also non transferrable and not cash redeemable either.
How does your Reward Points Program Work?
Our rewards program is designed to allow you,the user,to earn rewards,from referrals.The type of referrals,are subject to change at any time,however,they will include:Referrals for new user registration,Pro plan upgrades,etc.Please do note,rewards are not cash redeemable and can only be used for paying for advertisments,products and services via our vast network of services and products ONLY.
With who,do we address a content takedown request?
Before you decide to submit a formal copyright takedown please do keep in mind the following:
Fair use is a legal doctrine that promotes freedom of expression by permitting the unlicensed use of copyright-protected works in certain circumstances. Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides the statutory framework for determining whether something is a fair use and identifies certain types of uses—such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research—as examples of activities that may qualify as fair use. If your copyright infridgement falls outside the limits of said Fair Use Policy-You must first get in contact with the user of the infridged content offense and relay your takedown request,direct to them,if after several attempts you feel,they will not comply,we then suggest you contact us further at copyrighttakedown@wowzatv.network.We will decide at that point,to act to on your behalf or not.Either way,you will be notified within 10 business days,with the results of our decision.